10K Mechanical Set Production Packer or MECH-PAC® is a high performance Full Bore Single String Retrievable Packer.
Model No.: CT-MH 10
Product No.: CT-95317
It is specifically designed to perform reliably in high pressure fracturing and production applications.
- Tubing can be landed in tension, compression or neutral
- Full opening ID for stimulation and thru-tubing perforating
- Bypass opens before release of upper slips for safety and ease of release
- Staged loading of upper slips for ease of release
- Ease of operation ¼ turn to right to set, ¼ turn to right to release.
Model No.: CT- MH 12Product No.: CT-95321The CT-MH-12 Retrievable Packer is designed for heavy-duty service applications such as squeeze cementing, formation fracturing, and high-pressure acidizing. It features a large opening compression set design with hydraulic button-type hold down, ensuring resilience to high pressure from both above and below. Utilizing a three-element packing system, J-slot, and […]
MECH-PAC® IX SNAP SET COMPRESSION PACKER WITH HOLD DOWN BUTTON is a retrievable set down packer featuring a bypass area through the packer and an integral unloaded. They are used as an upper packer in a single string two packer installation, for zone isolation, injection or production. FEATURES: Proven multiple packing element system. Operation of […]
MECH-PAC® VIII SNAP SET COMPRESSION PACKER is without hold down button , which a retrievable set down packer featuring a bypass area through the packer and an integral unloaded. They are used as an upper packer in a single string two packer installation, for zone isolation, injection or production. FEATURES: Proven multiple packing element system. […]
MECH-PAC® VII Mechanical Set Production Packer
MECH-PAC VII TENSION SET MECHANICAL PACKER Model No.: CT- MH 7 Product No.: CT-95307 MECH-PAC VII Tension Set Mechanical Packer provides a compact, economical retrievable packer for use where a set-down type packer is impractical because of pressure requirements. Primarily Used in water flood applications, this packer can also be used for production and/or Treating […]
MECH-PAC® VI Compression Set Retrievable Packer
Compression Set Retrievable Packer is a compact, economical set-down packer. Model No.: CT-MH VI Product No.: CT-95306 It can be used by itself for production applications or, with a companion un-loader and hold-down, it can be used for well stimulation, testing and other pressuring operations and then left in the well as a production packer. Feature […]
MECH-PAC® V Retrievable Mechanical Set Squeeze Packer
Retrievable Mechanical Set Squeeze Packer is a full-opening, hook wall packer used for testing, treating, and squeeze cementing operations. Model No.: CT-MH 5 Product No.: CT-95305 In most cases, the tool runs with a circulating valve assembly. Packer body includes a J-slot mechanism, mechanical slips, packer elements, and hydraulic slips. Advantages: The full-opening design of the packer […]
MECH-PAC® IV Mechanical Set Production Packer
Model No.: CT- MH-4 Product No.: CT-95304 This is a mechanical set double grip retrievable production packer for medium to high Pressure applications. This Packer is a retrievable, double- grip compression or tension set production packer that can be left in tension, compression, or in a neutral position, and will hold pressure from above or […]
MECH-PAC® III Lok Set Mechanical Retrievable Double Grip Packer
Lok-Set Mechanical Retrievable Double Grip Packer of Completion Oil Tools is a general purpose packer for production, injection, zone isolation, or remedial operations. Model No.: CT- MH 3 Product No.: CT-95303 It holds pressure from above or below while allowing the tubing to be placed in tension, compression, or in a neutral condition. Advantages: Internal by-pass. Can leave tubing […]
MECH-PAC® Mechanical Retrievable Single/ Double Grip Packer
Mechanical Retrievable Single/ Double Grip Packer is a retrievable set down packer that features a large by pass area through packer. Model No.: CT-MH 1 & 2 Product No.: CT-95301 & CT-95302 The packer is available in a single grip version and a double-grip version (with hold down button). Features & Benefits: Compression set. Repositionable […]
10K Mechanical Set Production Packer
10K Mechanical Set Production Packer or MECH-PAC® is a high performance Full Bore Single String Retrievable Packer. Model No.: CT-MH 10 Product No.: CT-95317 It is specifically designed to perform reliably in high pressure fracturing and production applications. Feature & Benefit: Tubing can be landed in tension, compression or neutral Full opening ID for stimulation and thru-tubing […]